We’re up for an OxLEP award!

27 April 2023

Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership selects Oxfordshire Youth as finalist for Apprenticeship Employer Award 2023

We are chuffed to bits that Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) has chosen Oxfordshire Youth as one of its three finalists in the Oxfordshire Apprenticeship Awards 2023 Apprenticeship Employer Award category.  

OxLEP champions Oxfordshire’s economic potential, supporting our county’s dynamic, sustainable and growing economy. Apprenticeships have a big role to play, with Government data published this month revealing that 1.8% of full-time employees have started an apprenticeship since September 2022.

We really appreciate this recognition of our investment in the power of vocational qualifications championed by Harriet Leach, Senior Manager for People and Culture. Harriet knows that upskilling staff supports our professional and charitable objectives, “Apprentices are well equipped to apply the practices they learn and this helps them develop, but also supports Oxfordshire Youth in fulfilling its mission, vision and values. We’re really pleased to partner with Ignite Training – which provides vocational qualifications – on apprenticeships.”   

Oxfordshire Youth’s investment in apprenticeships coincided with the release of the Government’s Apprenticeship Evaluation Report. The report surveyed organisations already delivering apprenticeships and revealed: 

85% of employers recommend apprenticeships to other employers
78% of organisations benefited from increased productivity
85% of employers reported an improvement in the development of skills
76% of organisations believe apprenticeships improved staff retention.

Harriet said: “Apprenticeships are adapted to suit the learner and this really appeals to our employees as they can demonstrate the skills and behaviours required to develop their own knowledge and skillset. 

“A common misunderstanding about them is the assumption that they serve school leavers and those beginning new careers only. This could not be further from the truth. Proving that people of all ages can start an apprenticeship, we’ve enrolled three staff aged 50 or older in our apprentice programme. We are passionate about learning and development for our staff, and believe apprenticeships are the best way to achieve excellence in the service we provide to young people and the youth sector.”

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