Yay! Oxfordshire Youth wins OxLEP’s Apprenticeship Employer of the Year award

2 June 2023

We won it! Oxfordshire Youth wins OxLEP’s Apprenticeship Employer Award 2023

We are absolutely thrilled that Oxfordshire Youth was chosen by Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) as the winner of its Apprenticeship Employer of the Year award. After winning in the category for organisations with less than 250 employees, Harriet Leach, Oxfordshire Youth’s Senior Manager for People and Culture said ‘It is great to be recognised for the hard work we have put into providing Team OY with a range of apprenticeship opportunities. This award showcases our engagement as an employer with apprenticeships and the supportive approach we take to our staff’s learning and development’.

Harriet (pictured holding the award) joined our C.E.O. Jodie Lloyd Jones (left) and David Cruchley, Youth Partnerships Manager, at the spectacular Williams F1 Conference Centre in Wantage for the awards ceremony. OxLEP champions Oxfordshire’s potential, supporting its growing economy. She knows that upskilling staff supports our professional and charitable objectives, “Apprentices are well equipped to apply everything they learn and this helps them to develop, but also supports Oxfordshire Youth in fulfilling its mission, vision and values.”  

Oxfordshire Youth’s investment in apprenticeships coincided with the release of the Government’s Apprenticeship Evaluation Report which revealed that 85% of employers would recommend apprenticeships to other employers and 78% of organisations benefited from increased productivity. Looking to the future, Oxfordshire Youth is planning to keep up the good work that won us this award. Our C.E.O. Jodie Lloyd Jones said, ‘We are looking to increase the numbers of staff taking part in learning through apprenticeships, as well as sourcing funding enabling us to employ young people, who will then be supported to undertake youth work apprenticeships’.

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