Youth in Mind is back – promoting emotional, physical and digital safety for children and young people

31 January 2024

Safe spaces – emotional, physical and digital

This unique conference unites young people, mental health professionals, school staff, community leaders and everyone working with children and young people to explore the theme, “Safe spaces – emotional, physical, and digital.” Join us as we delve into strategies to foster emotional resilience, explore how we create safe physical spaces, and navigate the complexities of the digital world.

Save the date and be a part of the transformative Youth in Mind conference! Tuesday 25th June at King’s Centre, Oxford OX2 0ES

Youth in Mind offers insightful workshops, thought-provoking discussions, and networking opportunities with like-minded practitioners who are passionate about positive mental health outcomes for young people. 


Early bird tickets will be on sale soon! We look forward to welcoming you to Youth in Mind 2024, where together, we can create a future in which young minds thrive.

whois: Andy White Freelance WordPress Developer London