Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services partnership

“I believe the training has really enhanced the tool kit of our family mentors and built an increased awareness and deeper understanding of their role with families.”

Jan Dogar-Hurd, Asylum Welcome

Introduction to Children and Young People’s Mental Health Training

Our mental health training is FREE for any school, organisation, professional or volunteer working with children or young people in Oxfordshire and is underpinned by NHS England’s Future in Mind (2015) report.

In collaboration with Young Devon, Response and Oxford Health Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, the Introduction to Children and Young People’s Mental Health training is designed to upskill and support frontline staff by giving them the tools to:

If you have any queries, or would like to book by email, please contact

“The course leader is an excellent speaker and incredibly knowledgeable”.

Oxfordshire Youth is committed to prevention, early intervention and promoting resilience. This training supports frontline staff in shifting our national culture towards embracing social and emotional wellbeing and responding early to signs of mental health problems.

Positive mental health is everybody’s responsibility, but in England we may be reaching as few as one in four children and young people who need support. Not surprisingly, one in four adults experiences a mental health issue in any given year, and for three quarters of adults living with mental health problems, their struggles began in childhood and adolescence.


Frequently asked questions

It’s not a problem! You can attend a full day webinar that Oxfordshire Youth delivers via OSCB (link) or twilight sessions that Oxfordshire Youth delivers on the following date:

  • 13th October 2022 (Part I) and 27th October 2022 (Part II)

Primary schools will receive a training specific for children, whereas secondary schools will receive a training more targeted around young people.

Individuals such as professionals and volunteers who would like to attend the training can book on either of the following:

  • full day webinars that Oxfordshire Youth delivers via OSCB
  • twilight sessions that Oxfordshire Youth delivers in order to give everyone an opportunity to attend:
    • 3rd March 2022 (Part I) and 10th March 2022 (Part II)

We’ve had several primary schools in the past who have included staff from their nurseries in the training session with very positive feedback.

The important thing to keep in mind is that the training is an introduction to children’s mental health – it’s a basic training to get everyone talking about mental health in the same way. The training includes content that relate to younger children but it’s important to have the right expectations as the training won’t necessarily go into specific details about early years – it looks at attachment and the importance of those bonds as children are growing up and brain development.

We now offer the option of a face to face or an online delivery. It depends on your needs and preferences!

We do use Zoom. This helps us to guarantee a certain level of interactions thanks to the break out rooms. If you want an online delivery, but you don’t want to use Zoom, please get in touch

The minimum number of a group delivery is 10. If you are not able to meet this requirement, please get in touch as we don’t want anyone to miss out.

There’s no maximum number. If the attendees are approximately more than 20, we will split the group in two and we’ll arrange for two trainers to deliver the training.

“I found the sessions inspirational, and the facilitator very helpful, kind and informative”.

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