Young people are living through a mental health crisis.
The joint strategic needs assessment (2021) for Oxfordshire reports that ‘rates of self-harm hospital admissions in 10-24-year-olds have increased’, and mental health referrals for young people, ‘increased significantly over the past five years’. Meanwhile, national data shows that young people who entered successive lockdowns with existing mental health issues have experienced a marked deterioration.
The Mental Wealth Academy responds to the urgent needs of young people currently on waiting lists for services. This includes many with mild to moderate mental health needs who fall through the gaps created by transition pathways from child and adolescent mental health services to adult services. It is vital this demand is met.
In collaboration with Response, Ark T, Oxfordshire Mind, SOFEA and BHYP, our three year programme supports 18-25 year olds with non-clinical mental health interventions and wellbeing coping methods.
The Mental Wealth Academy takes an aspirational, co-productive approach to reduce health inequalities, increase mental resilience and improve life chances.
Access to education, employment and training | Anxiety and stress management
Personal identity, physical health and body image workshops | Support in recognising and managing emotions
Relationships and social media education | Steps to wellbeing | One-to-one counselling | CBT services